Tuesday 11 April 2017

Spring Maintenance Tips for Around the Home and in the Car

Everyone has an extra little spring in their step now that winter is officially behind us, but chances are your home and car are a bit sluggish.Spring maintenance tips for around the home

If you love your home, it will love you back, and one of the best ways to avoid having to submit a home insurance claim is with regular maintenance.

Examine your roof

Your roof helps keep the elements out, and if your shingles are cracked, loose or curling, it may be time to have the roof replaced.

Check your eavestroughs and downspouts

Clean your eavestroughs and check that they are not loose or leaky. Improper drainage can lead to water leaking into the basement. Make sure your downspout extends at least 1.5 metres away (five feet) from your home so that the water drains away from your house and towards the street.

Do some landscaping

During heavy summer rain storms, it’s common for trees and branches to cause damage to a home. If any surrounding trees look unhealthy, it may be time to remove them. Keep healthy trees pruned so that they’re not close enough to the home to do any damage, or take out utility wires should a branch break off or the tree come down.

Repair your driveway and walkways

Repair walkways and driveways that have cracked, broke or become uneven over the winter to minimize the chance of someone tripping and falling on your property.

Check your foundation for leaks or cracks

Mike Holmes’ MakeItRight.ca, says not all foundation cracks are serious and that, in fact, some hairline cracks are normal. “If you find any cracks, either outside or in an unfinished basement, mark them with tape. Check them every 3 months. If they haven’t changed they can be filled in with an epoxy injection. But if the cracks have gotten worse call a structural engineer. Any crack large enough to fit a dime must be checked by a professional.”

Your home isn’t the only thing that has weathered the winter. Your car is likely showing signs of wear and tear too. Primp and prime your car so that it’s ready for the upcoming driving season.

Give your car a good cleaning

Rejuvenate the interior of your car by wiping down the windows, washing the floor mats, getting rid of accumulated trash, and vacuuming the upholstery and carpet to remove any dirt and road salt. Then move on to washing the exterior, starting with the roof and working your way down. Use mild diluted soap and dry your vehicle right away to prevent water spots.

Change your wiper blades

Wiper blades should be changed a couple of times a year, and what better time than during a spring cleaning day?

Switch back to your all-season or summer tires

Winter tires don’t like the warm weather. They’ll wear out faster and won’t work as well as your all-season or summer tires. A good rule-of-thumb is to put your all-seasons on when the temperature is consistently 7° Celsius or warmer.

Related Read: Ontario Winter Tire Discount on Car Insurance Now Mandatory

Check your tire pressure and treads

Check your tire pressure regularly (including the spare). Refer to your owner’s manual to see what your tire’s pressure should be. Also check your tire’s treads: tires are manufactured with wear bars and when the bar becomes exposed, it’s time to look into replacing them.

Take your car into the mechanic for a well-deserved servicing

Take your car to a trusted mechanic for a spring tune-up. This should include everything from checking your car’s oil and other important fluids, to checking the filters, belts, hoses, lights (both interior and exterior) and the battery.

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